Food & Drinks

Culinary delights

Regional. Impressive. Surprising.

French cre­ativ­ity
& pas­sion

Regional ingre­di­ents and our end­less enthu­si­asm for fine, cre­ative cui­sine will make you want to come back to our restau­rant in Champagne for more. Our chefs are mas­ters at blend­ing the country’s out­stand­ing spe­cial­ties with a pinch of inter­na­tion­al­ity. The per­fect com­pan­ion: some fine wine from the regional range.


Large win­dows to wel­come the light and a mag­nif­i­cent view of the sur­round­ing vine­yards cre­ate the ideal set­ting for enjoy­ing the regional dishes. From Monday to Friday we offer a lunch menu and at week­ends you have the oppor­tu­nity to savor a delight­ful "à la carte" lunch with us.

Our rec­om­men­da­tion: Be sure to book your table in advance! This is the only way we can guar­an­tee your culi­nary expe­ri­ence – in one of the most unique restau­rants nearby the city of Reims.

MO-SU 7:00 AM to 10:00 AM 
MO-SU 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM
MO-SU 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM

Lunch menu | MON-SUN

À la carte | MON-SUN din­ner & lunch

Book a table
A row of tables has been set up in the L'Horisium restaurant in Champagne. The layout of the tables allows for ample seating and creates a welcoming and spacious atmosphere.
A delicious dish is served on a large plate at the L'Horisium restaurant of Hotel LOISIUM Champagne. The plate showcases a culinary masterpiece, carefully crafted by the talented chefs.

Les Bulles

At the bar, our favorite drink to serve is champagne. Of course, we also have cof­fee and small bites for after­noon meet­ings as well as drinks until late — a per­fect place to stay just a lit­tle longer.

MO-SU 12:00 PM to 11:00 PM

In a corner of the restaurant at Hotel LOISIUM Champagne, a circle of chairs is arranged. This cozy and intimate setup invites guests to gather and engage in conversations, creating a sense of community and connection.
In a close-up shot, several glasses of Champagne are arranged in a row. Each glass showcases the effervescent beauty of the Champagne, with the bubbles dancing and sparkling in the light. In the Restaurant in Champagne.


After indulging in some of the finest cui­sine Champagne has to offer, it's time to unwind. When it comes to pure relax­ation, the spa is our favorite place. And to keep you from hav­ing to leave this won­der­ful place for a fine drink or some snacks, there is also a bar where you sit back and enjoy in your bathrobe.

A cozy and well-appointed breakfast buffet is set up in the restaurant of Hotel LOISIUM Champagne. The inviting ambiance and thoughtfully arranged decor create a warm and welcoming atmosphere for guests to enjoy their morning meal.
A woman holds a filled Champagne glass in her hand at the L'Horisium restaurant of Hotel LOISIUM Champagne. As she raises the elegant glass, the golden bubbles dance and shimmer within, reflecting the celebratory atmosphere of the restaurant.


Hotel im Weingarten

South Styrian Wine Road – Hotel with La Dolce Vita

Austria's old­est wine road per­fectly embod­ies Mediterranean flair, seren­ity and romance. In order to enjoy the "sweet life" in the south of Austria to the full, the hotel is of cen­tral impor­tance. To help you feel com­pletely at ease and enjoy your vaca­tion we have sum­ma­rized and answered the fre­quently asked ques­tions in this arti­cle.

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Spa beds

Book your favorite spot in the spa!

Relaxation and recu­per­a­tion are at the heart of every visit to our spa area. To offer our guests the high­est level of com­fort and ensure that they can make the most of their time with us, we have intro­duced a new lounger reser­va­tion sys­tem.

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Bring energy to your meet­ings & events: our Wine & Bike offers

Would you like to escape the usual side pro­grams after meet­ings and events? Our Wine & Bike offer pro­vides a refresh­ing change and com­bines activ­ity with culi­nary enjoy­ment in a unique way.

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Habits de Lumières: The Festival in France

The "Habits de Lumières" fes­ti­val in France is unques­tion­ably one of the most cap­ti­vat­ing sights and takes place from December 8th to 10th, 2023, in Épernay. This extra­or­di­nary fes­ti­val in the cham­page region attracts fes­ti­val enthu­si­asts from all over the coun­try and is the pin­na­cle of the Advent sea­son in Épernay. This des­ti­na­tion in France

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Christmas Market in France: Le Marché de Noël de Reims

If you're on the look­out for the most beau­ti­ful places and attrac­tions in France, be sure to visit the Christmas mar­ket in Reims on Place d'Erlon dur­ing the Advent sea­son. This enchant­ing Christmas mar­ket in December not only offers a vari­ety of hol­i­day tourist attrac­tions but is also the per­fect place to expe­ri­ence the fes­tive atmos­phere

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Discover the Kamptal - Excursions from the LOISIUM Hotel in Langenlois

The Kamptal region is full of his­tory, cul­ture, and breath­tak­ing land­scapes. Our LOISIUM hotel in Langenlois, located in the heart of Kamptal, is the per­fect place to explore the region from. Here are some of our favorite excur­sions that you def­i­nitely shouldn't miss. Visiting Castles & Monasteries The Kamptal and the sur­round­ing regions are known for

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